Tara Schuller, MSc, Executive Manager of the INAHTA Secretariat wins Best Oral Presentation at HTAi 2017 for her presentation of a collection of INAHTA member impact stories that will be published an upcoming mini-theme in IJTAHC.
Download slides "HTA impact: Stories from the front lines of hta production and use"
Tara is co-Associate Editor with Dr. Sophie Söderholm Werkö for the mini-theme, which will be published in IJTAHC later this year. Tara's presentation gave some highlights of the six impact stories and some thematic analysis.
Congratulations to Tara and to the INAHTA members who contributed stories to the publication:
Manuscript Authors:
Alemán & Pérez: Impact of HTA in litigation concerning access to high-cost drugs
Fujita-Rowherder, Sauerland & Rüther: Arthroscopic surgery for knee osteoarthritis: Impact of HTA in Germany
Ryan et al.: Contribution of stakeholder engagement to the impact of a HTA
Silhvo, Ikonen & Mäkelä: Implementing HTA-based recommendations in Finland: Managed uptake of medical methods.
Tivey et al.: Legislative and accreditation requirements for office-based surgery in Australia.
Truchon et al.: Shaping Quality in Quebec Trauma Through Vision and Quality Monitoring