INAHTA welcomes new member: FinCCHTA

INAHTA is pleased to welcome the Finnish Coordinating Center for Health Technology Assessment (FinCCHTA) as a full member of INAHTA. The objective of FinCCHTA is to coordinate HTA in Finland as well as to cooperate with international HTA bodies. Other key objectives are to develop HTA methodological training and strengthen its related research. Welcome! Tervetuloa!…

New INAHTA Board members – Welcome!

INAHTA is proud to have world-class leaders in HTA as members of the INAHTA Board. This year, we welcome a number of new Board members: Chair: Sophie Söderholm Werkö, SBU, Sweden Vice Chair: Tracy Merlin, AHTA, Australia Three new Directors:  Mouna Jameleddine, INASanté, Tunisia; Michelle Mujoomdar, CADTH, Canada Matthias Perleth, G-BA, Germany These new Board…

Webinar on hot topics in HTA now available

INAHTA members are invited to view video recordings of two recent webinars presenting the results of a survey of hot topics in HTA.  This survey gathered views from member agencies about what key issues they face, what learning interests they have and what are some hot topics in their agency and region/country. View webinar (login…

International symposium on RWE in drug regulation and HTA

On 9 May, 2018, the Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences is hosting an international symposium on the use of real-world evidence (RWE) in drug regulation and health technology assessment (HTA) in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Registration for the Symposium is required: For more information: UIPS_RWE_Sumposium Flyer UIPS_RWE Symposium Program

Real-World Evidence in Medicine development: Certificate course

IMI GetReal initiative is offering an interactive online course will give an understanding of current techniques, opportunities and challenges for the use of real-world evidence in medicine development. The learning units will cover the following topics: Overview of the medicine development landscape Real-world evidence generation Real-world evidence synthesis Decision-making and weighing of evidence Demonstrating relative…

HTAi Annual Meeting 2018 – Registration now open

"Strengthening the Evidence-to-Action Connection" is the theme of the 2018 HTAi Annual Meeting to be held 1-5 June 2018 in beautiful Vancouver, Canada. Join INAHTA members at this world-class event to share and learn with the global HTA community about:     how HTA needs to change its approach to generating, synthesizing and presenting evidence in…

Health Economics Training in 2018

The York Health Economic Consortium has announced the following courses for 2018:   v  NEW Practical Issues in Producing Network Meta-Analyses for HTAs (20 & 21 February 2018) v  Introduction to Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (07 March 2018) v  Economic Evaluation for Oncology (24 April 2018) v  Making an Economic Case in the NHS (16 May…

Workshop: Network Meta-Analyses for HTA

This workshop is being offered by the York Health Economics Consorium (YHEC), 20-21 February 2018 Indirect treatment comparisons (ITC) and mixed treatment comparisons (MTC), collectively referred to as Network Meta-Analysis (NMA), are increasingly used in health technology assessment. They are statistical techniques to synthesise available direct and indirect evidence to provide information on the comparative…