–>  Search the international HTA database

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The international HTA database provides free access to bibliographic information about ongoing and published health technology assessments commissioned or undertaken by HTA organisations internationally.  This includes INAHTA members and non-INAHTA members. The database provides a single point of access to information that would otherwise be more difficult and time-consuming to search for on individual agency websites.

INAHTA has taken on the responsibility for the production of the HTA database.  This was previously done by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD), University of York, England.  The database was started by the CRD in 1996 and, in fact, it used the INAHTA Briefs as a seed database for the new international platform.  The database was produced by the CRD until March 2018, at which time the addition of records was stopped as INAHTA was in the process of rebuilding the new database platform.  In July 2019, the database records were exported from the CRD platform and imported into the new platform that was developed by INAHTA.  The rebuild of the new platform is now complete and was launched in June 2020.

The structure of the new database generally follows that of the old database but with important improvements:

  • Expanded records that include more abstract information, i.e., authors’ objectives, conclusions and results, recommendations, methods and identified further research/reviews required.  These fields improve the utility and searchability of the records.
  • Streamlined and strengthened search function for visitors, contributors, and administrators.
  • Filters for refining search results.

Thank you to the HTA Database Consortium

INAHTA recognizes and sincerely thanks the HTA database consortium of INAHTA members who provided financial support for the transition of the database from the CRD to INAHTA. The consortium members are: AHTA, CADTH, CDE, CMeRC, HIS, IHE, IQWiG, KCE, LBI-HTA, MTU-SFOPH and SBU.