• This publications repository contains INAHTA Briefs and Checklists prepared by INAHTA members. This repository is no longer being updated but is provided as an archive reference.  For the latest HTA reports visit the international HTA database.
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2039 Publications Found.
Name Year Issue Agency Type
Composite Resin Versus Amalgam for Dental Restorations 2018 2018/003 CADTH, Canada INAHTA Brief
Compression Stockings for Prevention of Varicose Veins and Deep Vein Thrombosis Among Nurses 2009 2009/080 MaHTAS, Malysia INAHTA Brief
Computed Tomographic Colonography for Colorectal Cancer Screening in an Average Risk Population: Systematic Review and Economic Evaluation 2009 2009/013 CADTH, Canada INAHTA Brief
Computed Tomography and Its Carcinogenic Effects in Children and Youth in Québec: Scope of the Issue and Proposed Strategies 2011 2011/105 INESSS, Canada INAHTA Brief
Computed tomography colonography for the diagnosis or exclusion of colorectal neoplasia 2014 2014/042 AHTA, Australia INAHTA Brief
Computed Tomography for Pediatric Patients: Review of Clinical Effectiveness and Indications for Use 2011 2011/054 CADTH, Canada INAHTA Brief
Computed Tomography for Pediatric Patients: Review of Clinical Effectiveness and Indications for Use 2010 2010/020 CADTH, Canada INAHTA Brief
Computed Tomography Laser Mammography for Detection of Breast Cancer 2008 2008/081 MaHTAS, Malysia INAHTA Brief
Computer Assisted Surgery for TKR 2015 2015/051 MaHTAS, Malysia INAHTA Brief
Computer-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders or Depression - Early Assessment Briefs (Alert) 2009 2009/041 SBU, Sweden INAHTA Brief
Computer-Based Patient Records 2001 2001/20 INAHTA Brief
Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CCBT) for Adults with Depression 2011 2011/110 MaHTAS, Malysia INAHTA Brief
Computerized Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression and Anxiety Update: A Systematic Review and Economic Evaluation 2007 2007/68 NETSCC, United Kingdom INAHTA Brief
Computerized Decision Support Systems in Order Communication for Diagnostic, Screening or Monitoring Test Ordering: Systematic Reviews of the Effects and Cost Effectiveness of Systems 2011 2011/036 NETSCC, United Kingdom INAHTA Brief
Computerized Upper and Lower Extremity Evaluation and Exercise System Complete With Computer (E-Link) 2010 2010/146 MaHTAS, Malysia INAHTA Brief
Conductive Education for Children with Cerebral Palsy 2001 2001/22 IHE, Canada INAHTA Brief
Cone Beam Computed Tomography 2015 2015/028 MaHTAS, Malysia INAHTA Brief
Conformal Radiotherapy 2002 2002/27 MSAC, Australia INAHTA Brief
Conformational intensity-modulated radiation therapy in anal canal cancer 2016 2016/036 HAS, France INAHTA Brief
Conformational intensity-modulated radiation therapy in cervical cancer 2016 2016/037 HAS, France INAHTA Brief

2039 Publications Found.