• This publications repository contains INAHTA Briefs and Checklists prepared by INAHTA members. This repository is no longer being updated but is provided as an archive reference.  For the latest HTA reports visit the international HTA database.
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2039 Publications Found.
Name Year Issue Agency Type
Lung Cancer Risk Prediction Model for National Health Risk Assessment Module 2016 2016/012 MaHTAS, Malysia INAHTA Brief
Lung Cancer Screening 2009 2009/169 Avalia-t, Spain INAHTA Brief
Lung Ultrasonography 2011 2011/120 MaHTAS, Malysia INAHTA Brief
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS) 2002 2002/21 MSAC, Australia INAHTA Brief
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery for Emphysema: Systematic Review of Studies Comparing Different Procedures 2006 2006/80 CADTH, Canada INAHTA Brief
Luxturna 2019 2019/043 HAS, France INAHTA Brief
Maggot Debridement Therapy 2009 2009/085 MaHTAS, Malysia INAHTA Brief
Magnetic growth rods for early onset scoliosis treatment 2014 2014/039 CEDIT, France INAHTA Brief
Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Staging Cervical and Endometrial Cancer 2002 2002/29 MSAC, Australia INAHTA Brief
Male Circumcision 2017 2017/030 MaHTAS, Malysia INAHTA Brief
Male Infertility: Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Using Surgically Retrieved Sperm from the Testis or the Epididymis 2007 2007/148 NOKC, Norway INAHTA Brief
Malocclusions and Orthodontic Treatment in a Health Perspective 2005 2005/65 SBU, Sweden INAHTA Brief
MammaPrint 2009 2009/088 MaHTAS, Malysia INAHTA Brief
Mammography Screening 2002 2002/72 NOKC, Norway INAHTA Brief
Mammography Screening in the County of Funen 1993-1997. An HTA Report 2005 2005/55 DACEHTA, Denmark INAHTA Brief
Mammography Screening of Women Aged 40 to 49 Years 2008 2008/015 NOKC, Norway INAHTA Brief
Mammography Screening. Evidence-Based Evaluation of Mammography-Based Breast Cancer Screening Programs 2007 2007/145 LBI-HTA, Austria INAHTA Brief
Mammography Screening: Mortality Rate Reduction and Screening Interval 2000 2000/10 IHE, Canada INAHTA Brief
Management of Chronic (Non-Cancer) Pain: Organization of Health Services 2006 2006/83 INESSS, Canada INAHTA Brief
Management of haemophilia 2012 2012/049 MaHTAS, Malysia INAHTA Brief

2039 Publications Found.