• This publications repository contains INAHTA Briefs and Checklists prepared by INAHTA members. This repository is no longer being updated but is provided as an archive reference.  For the latest HTA reports visit the international HTA database.
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2039 Publications Found.
Name Year Issue Agency Type
First and second trimester prenatal screening update 2014 2014/043 IHE, Canada INAHTA Brief
Endovenous ablation interventions for symptomatic varicose veins of the legs 2014 2014/044 IHE, Canada INAHTA Brief
What is the sensitivity and specificity of PET/CT compared with other diagnostic imaging modalities in determining the cause of pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO)? What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of PET/CT as a first-line investigation 2013 2013/001 HIS, Scotland INAHTA Brief
Digital Screening Mammography 2013 2013/003 INESSS, Canada INAHTA Brief
Is CBCT clinically effective, cost-effective and safe compared with standard extraoral and intraoral radiography in the diagnosis of hard tissue pathology in routine dental practice? 2013 2013/002 HIS, Scotland INAHTA Brief
Notice Regarding Field Trauma Criteria 2013 2013/004 INESSS, Canada INAHTA Brief
Patient-based funding: A literature review of experiences in other countries 2013 2013/005 INESSS, Canada INAHTA Brief
Sublingual Immunotherapy for Respiratory Allergies 2013 2013/006 INESSS, Canada INAHTA Brief
Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) for adults with type 2 diabetes not treated with insulin 2013 2013/007 INESSS, Canada INAHTA Brief
Evaluation of a Rapid Access Program in Rheumatology for Laval (PARLER) 2013 2013/009 INESSS, Canada INAHTA Brief
Efficacy of short-term social and psychological interventions: A systematic review 2013 2013/008 INESSS, Canada INAHTA Brief
Intraoperative radiation therapy in the treatment of breast cancer 2013 2013/010 Avalia-t, Spain INAHTA Brief
Sutureless aortic valve replacement 2013 2013/011 Avalia-t, Spain INAHTA Brief
Efficacy and safety of percutaneous and transapical aortic valve implantation in the treatment of severe aortic stenosis. Systematic review 2013 2013/012 Avalia-t, Spain INAHTA Brief
Development of quality indicators for transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) for treatment of severe aortic stenosis. Expert consensus 2013 2013/013 Avalia-t, Spain INAHTA Brief
Effectiveness and negative impacts of Housing First Approach for Homeless 2013 2013/014 INESSS, Canada INAHTA Brief
Health technology assessment of the different dialysis modalities in Norway 2013 2013/015 NOKC, Norway INAHTA Brief
Effectiveness of diagnositc tests and hormone replacement for hypothyroidism 2013 2013/016 HIS, Scotland INAHTA Brief
Falls among elderly patients in care facilities 2013 2013/017 INESSS, Canada INAHTA Brief
Infection prevention-sanitation equipment in specialized care units 2013 2013/018 INESSS, Canada INAHTA Brief

2039 Publications Found.