• This publications repository contains INAHTA Briefs and Checklists prepared by INAHTA members. This repository is no longer being updated but is provided as an archive reference.  For the latest HTA reports visit the international HTA database.
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2039 Publications Found.
Name Year Issue Agency Type
Outcomes Measurement in Schizophrenia - No 2 in a Series on Outcomes Measurement in VHA Mental Health Services 2006 2006/27 VATAP, U.S.A. INAHTA Brief
Optimal Temperature for Cardioplegia During Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting 2006 2006/28 VATAP, U.S.A. INAHTA Brief
Outcome Measurement in Major Depression 2006 2006/29 VATAP, U.S.A. INAHTA Brief
A Systematic Review of Clinical Predictors of Outcomes in Adults with Recent Lower Limb Amputation 2006 2006/30 VATAP, U.S.A. INAHTA Brief
Stereotactic Radiosurgery: An Update 2006 2006/31 IHE, Canada INAHTA Brief
Cost Estimation of Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Application to Alberta 2006 2006/32 IHE, Canada INAHTA Brief
Celecoxib for the Treatment of Pain in Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis 2006 2006/33 IHE, Canada INAHTA Brief
Protocols for Stillbirth Investigation 2006 2006/34 IHE, Canada INAHTA Brief
Paravertebral Blocks for Anesthesia and Analgesia 2006 2006/35 ASERNIP-S, Australia INAHTA Brief
HTA Ostomy Appliances in Belgium 2006 2006/36 KCE, Belgium INAHTA Brief
Telehealth: Clinical Guidelines and Technological Standards for Telepsychiatry 2006 2006/37 INESSS, Canada INAHTA Brief
Maternal Ultrasound and Serum Screening in the Detection of Structural and Chromosomal Abnormalities 2006 2006/38 FinOHTA, Finland INAHTA Brief
Percutaneous Vertebroplasty. Pain Management of Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures 2006 2006/39 DACEHTA, Denmark INAHTA Brief
The Fast-Track Surgical Patient Pathway for Colon Surgery Patients - A Health Technology Assessment 2006 2006/40 DACEHTA, Denmark INAHTA Brief
Should One or Two Embryos Be Transferred in IVF? - A Health Technology Assessment 2006 2006/41 DACEHTA, Denmark INAHTA Brief
The Use of Liquid Based Cytology (LBC) and Conventional Pap Smear (CPS) for Cervical Cancer Screening in Denmark - A Health Technology Assessment 2006 2006/42 DACEHTA, Denmark INAHTA Brief
Caesarean Section on Maternal Request - A Health Technology Assessment 2006 2006/43 DACEHTA, Denmark INAHTA Brief
Ward Rounds - A Health Technology Assessment Focused on Production of Knowledge 2006 2006/44 DACEHTA, Denmark INAHTA Brief
Cross-Sectorial Cooperation Between General Practice and Hospital - Shared Care Elucidated Using Anticoagulant Therapy (AC) as an Example 2006 2006/45 DACEHTA, Denmark INAHTA Brief
Pain School - A Health Technology Assessment 2006 2006/46 INAHTA Brief

2039 Publications Found.